Wednesday, March 31, 2010

she/he anonymous,

I can't recall anything that requires an apology
in fact, I'm thinking that I'm the one who owe you one.

p/s: I'd love to know the million bazillion things that's on your mind
p/p/s: I believe it won't be too late if we ever try

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

can't you talk to me? i feel like i'm annoying you D:
i wanna know what's on your mind exactly yet i'm not suppose to ask.
did i force things too hard? i guess i did.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

something that got me smiling into thin air

the littlest thing you shared that touched the deepest of my soul

I'm sure to still smile at the thought whenever i think of it..
and I shan't forget how I felt when I received this email from the very unexpected one :)

p/s: I'd like to have a peek at the neighbourhood too, and know how it's like to see you down from the corner of the street :)

a shadow walk
credits to jeremy@flickr ;)

2:25PM, 20 march 2010

this is really random

is this what people call SEPERTI RUSA MASUK KAMPUNG? LOL!
if you don't understand then have a click! :)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

spread the love

fish sent me this two songs and said i'll definitely be addicted to it and since i'm not much of a malay song listener, i half-heartedly said, we'll see XD
and i listen to it for a night and i think it was nice but not really addictive YET
and the second day and second night.. and i just can't stop listening to it :)

so, i HAVE TO post it here X]
have a try people! spread the love.. ;)

here's Perih by Vierra

and Sempurna by Andra and the Backbone

sorry this post is going to be about pet society again -_____________-
how can they make this a play cash itemmmm!
*thunder strike*
sob i want it ;(

giant fishbowl for my precious pet fish
how good is that? XD

i tested on the Tarot THREE times right after the convo and guess what i got o.o
this is so freaky, three times with the same answer

The Star - Hope (Orthotopic)
Card Description

People have always looked at the stars as a source of inspiration and hope. There is something about their twinkling light that draws us out of ourselves and up into a higher plane. When we turn our eyes heavenward, we no longer feel the distress of earth. The Star reminds me of the clear, high voice of a soprano. There is something otherworldly about it. All the harshness and density of everyday life has been refined away leaving only the purest essence. After being exposed to the Star, we feel uplifted and blessed.

Fortune - Love

You will encounter an ideal candidate and start of a sweet romance . Both of you are dedicated to the relationship. And at the same time, the friendship between you two will transform into the spirit of love.

are you psychic or whattt? X)
maybe i really should have listen to you and felt blessed about it.. :)
having someone who's falling in love with me secretly huh? :3

Friday, March 26, 2010

i know i should get a life instead of constant pet society-ing ;(
but hey it's the new notice board! ahahahaha :P

oh and you can see how good i can be as an owner XD
soup burnt for 10 days plus
and i only realize it now :*

Thursday, March 25, 2010

sweet childish days ♥

i was often conjured of the childhood memories -
of how i used to put my face near to the fan to hear my ROBOT voice
and of when we're told not to point at the moon :)

there is a garden in every childhood,
an enchanted place where
colours are brighter,
the air softer,
and morning more fragrant than ever again.
- Elizabeth Lawrence

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

discovered this awesome art from nie nie's blog, by Kei Phillips
in case you don't know who stephanie aurora clark nielson is, go have a look at her blog, i have a tab on the sidebar :)

i loveeeeeeeeeeee this one :)

sweet dreams

i think my pet really do have magic powers that turns nightmare into sweet dreams ;)

Monday, March 22, 2010

bestie forever! :D

bestie's face when i'm mad XDDD

and this is.. me
the normally not-cute-just-cool black kitty -__________________-
i kinda like this picha though X)

Sunday, March 21, 2010


darlings that still drop by and leave a msg

my heart was torn by anxiety

i couldn't bear waiting for another minute second, let alone ten whole days D:

Saturday, March 20, 2010


since then,
every time i have a migraine,
i think of what you told me to,
and smile :)

e v e n_i f_i t's_s o_a w f u l_a n d_u n b e a r a b l e

Thursday, March 18, 2010

has anyone ever told you that after a few years, he'll marry you if you're both single?

who cares if it's ridiculous and unrealistic and.. well, maybe also not so heart-felt..
i think its kinda sweeeet X)
and that's so romantic, no? :P

but blaming your iphone after that wasn't romantic at all -______________-

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

do i always look sad? :\

haven't heard of this girl, Fiona Apple
until today when bestie told me that he thinks we have a similar sad look :\
and i went to Google and found her :)

i like her hair lol

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

today's advice :

Trust that the future is full of promises.
and i'm on my way to believing :)

oh and my current obsession :3
thanks to { alex & jen } for sharing :)

the warmest thought of a friend ♥

well, if you don't know, i'm a pet society fan XD
yesterday wasn't so good for me
so gary; fung fung's owner secretly got me the firework potion to cheer me up :)
you know, sometimes we don't have to communicate to know how each other is doing

thankyou for always being my sunshine :)

How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard

i don't know how to say goodbye

so decided to tie myself with you instead xD

you're my favourite hello and hardest goodbye :)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Saturday, March 13, 2010

went KDU open day with irene and adel and headed to gurney after that for movie

the mirror! me love :3
mine got snatched already so since fatty's not using hers, i shall keep it XD

the pressie for jen! i hope you like it :)

thanks to IRENE LEE! for the present :D
she was so thoughtful she even chose different colours for different occasions! :P
love the wrapping! thank youuu for squeezing your brain juice and being so creative ;)

what is your happy bunny saying?

Friday, March 12, 2010

水瓶座 像 无 脸 怪
日 本 传 说 中,有 所 谓 的 无 脸 怪。故 事 大 概 是 说 走 夜 路 的 旅 人 向 路 人 问 路,转 头 过 来 却 是 一 张 没 有 五 官 的 脸 蛋。在 动 画 片 《 神 隐 少 女 》中,无 脸 怪 也 扮 演 了 举 足 轻 重 的 角 色。没 有 脸 蛋 的 鬼 怪 或 许 因 为「异 於 常 人」而 诡 异,但 看 不 到 五 官 的 表 情,才 是 让 人 打 从 心 中 恐 惧 的 原 因。

水 瓶 座 像 无 脸 怪,你 很 难 从 他 脸 上 的 表 情 看 见 他 真 正 的 情 绪。
(really? o.o)
水 瓶 座 的 人 看 来 率 性,其 实 很 别 扭。
(en en *nods*)
他 们 开 心 的 时 候 会 装 酷;喜 欢 你 的 时 候 会 装 作 不 在 乎。(no comment XD)
当 他 们 沈 默 的 时 候,你 以 为 他 有 心 事,但 他 可 能 只 是 懒 得 讲 话 在 放 空。
(YES, most of the time XD)
当 他 们 人 来 疯 的 时 候,你 以 为 他 很 开 朗,但 他 只 是 怕 冷 场 自 己 会 尴 尬。
当 他 们 说「随 便 啊,都 OK 啊!」其 实 固 执 的 他 们 心 里 早 有 定 见。
(aquarius baby IS obstinate, sooo? :B)
就 连 水 瓶 座 的 人 自 己 都 没 发 现,因 为 爱 好 和 平丶不 喜 欢 起 冲 突,所 以 老 早 就 戴 着 面 具 在 生 活。(eh.. -.-)

如 果 你 问 我,要 怎 麽 知 道 水 瓶 座 内 心 真 正 的 想 法?
其 实 很 简 单。

平 常 多 话 的 他,开 始 会 待 在 你 身 边,什 麽 也 不 说 却 很 自 在 的 时 候。
平 常 静 默 的 他,开 始 会 对 你 说 出 他 对 其 他 人 看 法 的 时 候。
平 常 好 相 处 的 他,开 始 会 不 厌 其 烦,告 诉 你 他 的 地 雷 和 歧 见 的 时 候。
平 常 朋 友 多 多 的 他,开 始 一 有 空 就 来 找 你丶黏 你丶没 事 就 打 电 话 约 你 的 时 候。

恭 喜 你,那 就 是 水 瓶 座 已 经 开 始 喜 欢 上 你 的 时 候。

水 瓶 女 的 直 觉 力 较 强,但 有 些 水 瓶 男 很 迟 钝,不 知 道 他 这 些 行 为 代 表 自 己 已 经 动 心。若 你 也 喜 欢 他,请 准 备 多 一 点 勇 气 和 耐 性,因 为 水 瓶 座 就 像 无 脸 怪,看 似 高 深 莫 测,其 实 超 爱 面 子丶很 怕 受 伤 害。请 多 留 一 些 时 间,让 他 可 以 卸 下 面 具,认 真 面 对 感 情。

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

meanie x(

and today,
i think i joined kenny the tapioca's family being a potato
while talking to dann on skype* -.-

Monday, March 8, 2010

and i shall think hard and find my spirit in the lost and found

Blue eyes, blue eyes
What's the matter matter
Blue eyes, blue eyes
What's the matter matter
so blind, so blind
What's the matter matter
Blue eyes, blue eyes
What's the matter with you?

Saturday, March 6, 2010

cousins are going back this afternoon but instead of waking up late, we continued our food marathon XD

lunch at 洪火炉
yummy food! :3

fatty, spotted XD

again XD

see why my face gets puffier and puffier?
nooooooooo i did not finish the whole bowl ==

NEXT, 爱 玉 冰

and snake temple
it's my first time going too O.O
shame shame as a penangite? XD

me loveeeeeeeee ribena, any flavour :3

went education fair at PISA and grabbed a few brochures for aunt who needed it for her.. okay i don't know who
oh, and met my long lost form one comp teacher :*
(please please tell me he forgot how terrible i behaved -.- 'cause i used to be late EVERYTIME and still play games with HIS comp when he's teaching, which is the one connected to the projectorrr.. ahemm he's neoh aik guan btw :P)

and then headed to aspial to help sis choose her bridal gown *screams, excited + tears* sniff sniff, she's getting married already *blows into tissue dramatically* HAHA
anywhooo, the photos they took are so so.. it's not like words can describe :P
or maybe my vocab's far too worse to do the job XD

aww, me love this swing